
Limited time "Redcliffe" issued today, the niece elite activation code - arcade mop

List player award - winning plan

"Red Cliff" elite niece immediately open the activation code issued niece today.

This is a long awaited moment, this is a long awaited moment, from today, "Red Cliff" to issue a limited activation of the niece, all forward Cliff "was looking for a" players a chance You must get your return.

Early conclusion of the activities, the feedback from the players, the activities of the return information is sent to the activation of ways to use e-mail system and our niece from a friend said you took the filter Elite players will be distributed to the hands. The first entry in the players "in the Redcliffe activation code" and three players give priority to experience the charm of one war.

To congratulate the first batch of players to get the activation of us. Also, get the activation key players, there are problems with the registration confirmation e-mail. When, after the activation of the player's niece, to you, because you can get access via the link below, have been prompted to activate the procedures to activate the account According to the page to activate the page.

(During the activation code) Pages: www.chibi.com / campaign / account / accounts.htm active

My niece is not limited to your participation in activities such as the loss of activation in the heart of the key players, but also officials, as long as the activities and games to access the game activation key holds the number, you can experience the charm of the game.

Activities links:

"War Games" Three words: huodong.chibi.com/jsp/cbbattle/index1.jsp

"Niece elite" Huafei Please send activities: www.chibi.com/campaign/insidetest/

Tiny blood, Qing Dong Feng.

The game or dashing to know the secret number of special services in the most timely information on the question made perfect: 96061

Association Contact E-mail: gh-chibi@wanmei.com

Association Contact QQ: 377482154

Redcliffe pay attention to the latest official website please: www.chibi.com

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